The story writes itself: transparency committee doesn't post agendas or minutes

The story writes itself: transparency committee doesn't post agendas or minutes
[![]( "Hamilton_city_hall")]( City Hall
Stuck On Stupid – it’s one of my favourite sayings I picked up in the Army and it accurately describes Hamilton City Hall at times.

The latest example – the City does not post the agendas or minutes of it’s Accountability and Transparency Sub-Committee online. I’ve requested they do so, the response is that it would require staff time to start posting sub-committee minutes and they instead encourage citizens to call City Hall to request specific agendas or minutes.

The City does helpfully provide a list of all sub-committees and the staff member to call – email addresses are not provided.

Each time the Accountability and Transparency Committee is scheduled to meet, I email the City Clerk requesting a copy of the agenda package and post it on my website

Accountability and transparency is not the only sub-committee I request agendas for, and after lobbying the city government to post agendas, they responded – by posting phone numbers.

The bureaucracy states posting agendas for sub-committees will be time-consuming and there are many sub-committees.

Getting action

I noted the irony of the transparency committee not being transparent and this is a story that writes itself.

[blackbirdpie url=”!/JoeyColeman/status/183557946536497154″]

This morning, I tweeted all city councillors using Twitter (@Councillor_Farr, @BernieMorelli, @Sam_Merulla, @Collins_Ward5, @TerryWhitehead, @judipartridge) the following:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/JoeyColeman/status/183558315861749761″]

Councillors Merulla, Collins, and Partridge have all responded to indicate they believe the transparency committee should be.. transparent:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Sam_Merulla/status/183558830012116992″]

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Collins_Ward5/status/183559292891308032″]

[blackbirdpie url=”!/judipartridge/status/183575037343834112″]

Brian Graham joined in the conversation with excellent meme tweet:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/BrianJGraham/status/183559232283611136″]

What’s next?

I expect the matter will be addressed by Council this week during their GIC and Council meetings. Expect the transparency committee to be …. transparent.

My good deed for the day is done.