So Much for Confidentality and the Truth

It appears, if this comment on SFSS Democracy Now is true, that the Executive of the SFSS is getting desperate. They claim they cannot talk about “the issue” because of employee confidentiality, which is correct to a point. Some of the actions that occurred such as the taking of private information to an off-campus apartment are outside of this confidentality. Basically, one must give some leadway on hiding behind confidentiality to the SFSS Executive.
Now, this comment (if true) would mean that the SFSS Executive is not longer using that pretext and are just going out and talking about why they fired an employee starting this issue.
In terms of what they are saying, I have not heard so much spin in a long time. SFSS Democracy Now and Students for a Democratic University are not corrupt. They are not trying to bring back corruption. They are trying to get rid of it. I am shocked by the extend of dirty politics and lying that this SFSS clique is engaging in. Student Politics sure is not pretty.
Read the Comment here: