Liveblog: Students taking back SFSS

SFSS DN! is liveblogging as students are taking back the SFSS.

Renegade Forum Meeting in progress
As I type this, a renegade Forum meeting is in progress.
Attended by five or six current Board of Directors members, and enough current Forum members to make fifteen members in attendance (one more than the required quorum) the Forum is meeting.
The rest of the Board, including the Group of Seven, are not in attendance. A staff member, whose job it is to take minutes at Forum, was instructed not to attend. He was told that if he attended, he would be disciplined.
On the agenda is a motion to call a special general meeting of the Society, and a motion of censure in the seven BoD members who unjustly terminated a longtime staff member this summer.
More on this as it happens – the students are taking their society back!